From Bing to Meta: Your AI Marketing Survival Guide

From Bing's new search to Meta's selfie revolution, discover how to stay ahead in the AI game. Plus, learn the secret Reddit hack for content that your audience actually wants. Don't miss out on these game-changing strategies!

From Bing to Meta: Your AI Marketing Survival Guide

In this edition:

Discover the big news on Bing, and how Meta is upping their AI game + get an AI prompt to make content users want to read.

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👉 Bing's Generative Search: A New Chapter in the AI vs. Publisher Traffic Saga


  • Microsoft has previewed Bing generative search, its answer to Google's AI-powered search experiences

• The feature is currently available to a small percentage of users and uses a combination of large and small generative AI models

• Microsoft claims to be maintaining the number of clicks to websites, but provides no concrete data to support this

Key Marketing Takeaway:
Because the world needed more AI search engines (despite the negative reviews of Google's AIO) Bing is releasing their own copy. I mean, why not jump on the bandwagon, right? On one hand, this offers a new way to present information to users, maybe grabbing users from other search engines and potentially increasing engagement with more comprehensive answers. On the other hand, it raises (more) concerns about traffic cannibalization and the impact on publisher visibility. This has been an ongoing discussion and legitimate fear of content creators and journalists since the launch of AIO. 

For marketers, this development calls for a multi-faceted approach:

Content Optimization: Focus on creating high-quality, unique content that AI models are likely to reference. This could increase the chances of your content being featured in AI-generated summaries. Follow my tips on optimizing for AI Overviews. While we dont know a lot about Bing yet, this strategy will likely have a positive impact on both search engines.

Diversification: Don't rely solely on search engine traffic. Strengthen direct relationships with your audience through email marketing, social media, and other channels. If 2024 has taught us anything, it's shown us that our website visibility is fragile and Google has a hammer.

SEO Evolution: Stay updated on how AI-powered search affects SEO best practices. Traditional tactics may need to be adjusted to maintain visibility in this new landscape. Guess how? Subscribe to this newsletter, baby. 

Data Monitoring: Closely track your website's traffic sources and patterns. Be prepared to adapt your strategy if you notice significant changes due to AI-powered search results.

Value-Added Content: Create content that goes beyond what AI can easily summarize. In-depth analysis, unique insights, and interactive elements can encourage users to visit your site even after seeing an AI-generated overview.

As AI continues to reshape the search landscape, marketers need to be agile and innovative. While there are challenges, there are also opportunities to stand out by providing value that goes beyond what AI can offer. The key is to stay informed, be adaptable, and continue to focus on creating content that truly serves your audience's needs.

... But that isn't the only search engine news

The Future of Search? OpenAI's SearchGPT Challenges the Status Quo


  • OpenAI unveils SearchGPT, an AI-powered search engine prototype aimed at rivaling Google's dominance
  • SearchGPT offers conversational queries, real-time web information, and clear source attribution
  • The tool is currently being tested with a small group of users and publishers, with plans to integrate into ChatGPT. You can sign up to get on a waitlist for testing.
Key Marketing Takeaway

SearchGPT's arrival is shaking up the SEO landscape. It's time to pivot from keyword-centric strategies to creating high-quality, informative content that AI can easily interpret and cite.

This means rethinking our approach. Instead of just optimizing for traditional search engines, we need to consider how AI-powered search tools process and present information.

Personalized marketing is set to become more precise with AI search engines potentially offering hyper-targeted results based on user behavior and preferences, this will affect everything from search to email marketing and ads as users expect hyper-specific content tailored to them.

To stay ahead, start exploring AI-powered analytics tools. They can provide deeper insights into user intent and content performance, helping you refine your strategy for this new era of search.

Remember, while AI is changing the game, your unique human perspective and creativity remain invaluable. Use these to craft content that resonates with both AI systems and human readers.

... And even more from Microsoft

👉The Future of Work is Here, But Are We Ready for Microsoft's AI Copilots?


  • Microsoft is introducing AI assistants called Copilots to transform workplace productivity.

• The technology promises to automate tasks and generate/summarize text and images.

• While the potential is significant, widespread adoption faces challenges.

Key Marketing Takeaway:
Microsoft's Copilot AI assistants present a shift in how we can approach productivity and creativity. This technology offers an opportunity to streamline workflows, enhance content creation, and free up time for strategic thinking (...or that extra ☕️ break). But, it's important to have a balanced persective:

Enhanced Efficiency: Copilot's ability to speed up tasks like writing, summarizing meetings, and searching for information could aid in content creation and campaign planning. You could leverage this to produce more content, faster, while maintaining quality. But remember, don't let it just write all the content for you - you still need a human. Not only that but it's still pretty obvious if a robot wrote it.

Creativity Boost: The AI's capability to generate and summarize text and images could serve as a brainstorming tool, potentially unlocking some fresh insights or help see things from a new perspective.

Skill Augmentation: Rather than replacing human skills, (no replacing please!) Copilot can augment them. I'll repeat a thousand times... everyone should focus on developing skills that complement AI capabilities.

Adoption Challenges: Despite the benefits, there may be a learning curve and there a potential resistance to change is always something to be aware of. Marketing teams should plan for comprehensive training and change management strategies to ensure successful implementation.

Ethical Considerations: As with any AI tool, you should be mindful of potential biases and ensure that Copilot is used ethically, particularly in content creation.

.. And now stepping into the Metaverse

👉 Meta AI: Now Speaking Your Language (and Taking Your Selfies)


  • Meta AI now includes an "Imagine me" selfie feature powered by the Imagine Yourself model

• Llama 3.1 405B integration allows for more complex queries, particularly in math and coding

• Meta AI is expanding language support and will replace Voice Commands in Meta Quest VR headsets

Key Marketing Takeaway:
This presents a ton of opportunities to engage users across multiple platforms and languages. The new features, particularly the "Imagine me" selfie tool (which honestly looks really fun), offer a fresh canvas for creative campaigns and user-generated content.

This opens up a few possibilities

⦿ Personalized Visual Content: The selfie feature could be leveraged for highly engaging, personalized marketing campaigns. Imagine contests where users generate AI selfies of themselves using your product or in your brand's environment.

⦿ Multilingual Engagement: With expanded language support, you can now create more localized, culturally relevant campaigns across various markets without the need for extensive translation resources.

⦿ Educational Content Marketing: Given the AI's improved math and coding capabilities, tech-focused brands could create engaging educational content that leverages these features.

⦿ User Experience Enhancement: Think about how Meta AI's new features could improve your app or website's user experience. Could an AI assistant help users navigate your product catalog or customize their experience?

When coming up with campaign ideas, keep in mind the limitations, such as the manual switching between AI models and query limits. Design your strategies to work within these constraints while maximizing the benefits of the new features.

As AI continues to evolve, the brands that will win are those that can creatively integrate these tools to enhance user experience and create more personalized, engaging content. The key is to use these AI capabilities not just as a novelty, but as a means to provide genuine value to your audience (like EVERYTHING in marketing).

Bill Gates reveals Super Human AI prediction 😐

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Weekly Marketing Meme

🤖 Weekly Prompts:

Prompt 1: Content Topic Ideas

What: Uncover a wealth of content ideas directly related to your user needs.

Why: By understanding what questions your users have, you can create content that not only resonates but will directly match their search queries, and increase chances of getting featured in AI overviews, featured snippets and more.

How: Copy paste the prompt below to ChatGPT and replace bolded text with your needs.

If you use this, send me an example and results to be featured in the next newsletter!


  1. Go to Reddit or Quora and find a subreddit suitable to your niche.
  2. Take a print-screen of the full page and print as PDF.  If you use chrome Control + P on Windows or Command + P on Mac. 
  3. Repeat 1-2x as needed, depending on how much info you want.
  4. Upload to ChatGPT
  5. Use prompt:
I have uploaded a file containing thread titles on (Reddit, quora, etc). Analyze these titles and do the following:

1. Provide me the most common questions asked based off these posts + potential related questions not directly asked.
2. Organize these by funnel stage.
3. Provide a list of keywords to target for each content piece
4. Include any specific lingo, phrasing, or language that is specific to this target audience.

… And voila! You now have tons of great content ideas users are actually searching for! Stay tuned for the next tip with what you can do AFTER this in the next newsletter.

Example from /r/instagram-marketing

Prompt 2: Improve Email Tone and Style

What: Better understand your writing style

Why: By understanding your writing style, you can better guide AI to help correct your content, write summaries or excerpts for you, or analyze different writing styles over multiple emails to compare engagement


Step 1: Gather a few recent email newsletters

Step 2: Use the prompt below

Step 3: Use feedback to refine voice if needed, adjust style, have AI help summarize, or analyze engagement

Step 4: Take this further by asking ideas on improvements, other topics and more.

I have uploaded a list of recent newsletters. What tone and style do my newsletters convey?

Credit @Mike.Allton host of AI in Marketing podcast

🧰 Fun and Interesting AI Tools 🧰

Take time out to enjoy some of these fun and free tools.
Note: I do not receive any kind of incentive to recommend these tools.

Tired of missing your favorite newsletters in your inbox (your's truly I hope?) This lets you declutter your inbox and build a space for reading.

Play an RPG like prompting game to improve your skills

Use the free plan of Otter AI to get transcripts, summaries and action items from your meetings.

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