Forget keywords, it's all about that AI presence

💥 AI's gone wild, and the consequences are mind-bending. Discover the chatbot that's outsmarting humans, the SEO game-changer worth millions, and the tool that's predicting the unpredictable. Warning: This news isn't for the faint of heart. Ready?

Forget keywords, it's all about that AI presence

In this edition:

Google's latest AI trick is turning heads (and ears), while a mysterious startup is shaking up the SEO game with some serious cash. But it's not all smooth sailing in AI land - we've got drama, ethical dilemmas, and some seriously weird tech that might make you question everything. Plus, we're serving up hot job alerts, productivity hacks, and a dash of morbid curiosity (spoiler: it involves predicting the future, sort of).

Curious? Dive in and see what the future holds - your next career move or marketing breakthrough might be hiding in plain sight.

🔥 News and Trends in Marketing with AI

⭐️ Interesting Guides and Links

🕶️ Marketing meme of the week

🤖 Weekly prompt

⚙️ Time Out: Fun and Interesting Tools

💼 Remote AI Marketing Jobs

Carefully selected news and trends on how marketers can leverage AI.

👉 Google's Gemini Live: A Conversation Revolution with Room for Improvement


• Gemini Live offers semi-natural spoken conversations with an AI chatbot, responding in less than two seconds and pivoting quickly when interrupted.

• The feature provides 10 humanlike voice options and can handle complex queries, but still has issues with hallucinating information and occasional miscommunication.

• Google is positioning Gemini Live as a step towards Project Astra, their fully multimodal AI model, with plans to add real-time video understanding in the future.

Key Marketing Takeaway:
Gemini Live's launch signals a shift towards more natural, conversational AI interactions in everyday tech use. This will mean possibilities for voice-activated campaigns and personalized customer experiences. Imagine creating voice-optimized content that responds dynamically to user interruptions or crafting multi-step marketing narratives that unfold through natural conversation. The key is to start thinking about your brand's "voice" in a literal sense - how it sounds, responds, and adapts in real-time dialogue. This technology also hints at the potential for hyper-localized, context-aware marketing. 

👉 A new AI SEO agency,  should we all get onboard?


  • Profound helps brands optimize for AI-powered searches by tracking common queries and providing insights on how they appear in AI-generated results.

• The platform offers dynamic tracking of AI search trends, allowing brands to adjust their strategies as AI algorithms evolve.

• Profound has secured $3.5 million in seed funding and is already working with a large branding agency, with two more contracts in the pipeline.

Key Marketing Takeaway
As AI chatbots become the new search frontier, marketers need to pivot from traditional SEO to AI search optimization. Profound's launch signals a shift towards understanding and influencing how brands appear in AI-generated answers.

This isn't just about keywords anymore – it's about crafting content that resonates with AI's understanding of user intent and context. Marketers should start thinking about their brand's "AI presence" as distinct from their web presence.

Consider developing strategies that optimize for conversational queries and focus on providing comprehensive, authoritative information that AI systems are likely to reference. The future of digital visibility lies in mastering the art of being AI-friendly, not just search engine friendly.

👉 The Real AI Threat: It's Not Skynet, It's Deepfakes


  • Generative AI models can't learn independently or acquire new skills without explicit instruction, limiting their autonomous capabilities.

• AI is causing real-world harm through deepfakes, facial recognition errors, and exploitation of data annotators.

• AI text detectors are largely ineffective, potentially leading to false accusations in various settings.

Key Marketing Takeaway:
The evolving AI landscape presents both challenges and opportunities for marketers. With the rise of deepfakes and unreliable AI text detectors, brand protection and authenticity become paramount.

Consider implementing robust verification processes for user-generated content and influencer partnerships to safeguard your brand's reputation. Simultaneously, the limitations of AI models highlight the enduring value of human creativity and strategic thinking in marketing.

This presents an opportunity to emphasize the unique human touch in your campaigns, differentiating your brand in an increasingly AI-saturated market. Additionally, as AI ethics become a hot-button issue, transparently communicating your brand's stance on AI usage in marketing practices could build trust and resonate with socially conscious consumers.

For those brave enough, this calculator is supposedly eerily accurate and predicts the age of your death using existing lifestyle factors. Hard pass for me, thanks.

Interested in the no-code app world? This video walks you through how to create apps without coding using Claude AI.  For marketers, the ideas are endless. Use to create an email campaign analyzer, a marketing budget tracker, AI powered customer segmentation tools and more.

Interested in the above? Play around with creating no-code apps with this tool

Weekly Marketing Meme

🤖 Weekly Prompt:

Generate Digital PR Ideas

This weekly prompt is created to enhance your digital PR efforts. Use this prompt to get pitch ideas including upcoming seasonal trends as well recommendations for which journalists to pitch to in your industry.

For this prompt, I prefilled it with a ficticious purpose to give you an idea what to enter for your business. Just replace that example information with your own.

# Role

Press planning assistant

# Instructions

You are an expert in public relations, focused on digital PR, to get businesses featured in popular media outlets. Your goal is to help identify press opportunities over the next 3 month period. The plan should take upcoming seasonality factors into account as well as ongoing media trends.

# Business Detail: Example:Freelance copywriter focused on creating captivating copy for businesses in the fashion industry

# Constraints

- **Industries**: Example: Focus primarily on industries relating to fashion, jewelry and lifestyle.

# Output Requirements

1. **Pitch ideas**: Provide a list of pitch ideas that journalists and media would be interested in writing about.

2. **Hook**: Include a unique hook or angle for the story 

3. **Journalist list**: Provide a detailed lists of journalists and the media outlets they work for, along with contact information

🕶️ AI Productivity Tip

Have you heard of the Arc Browser? I have set Perplexity as my homepage, but Arc also lets you ask questions to ChatGPT from the browser search bar. The browser AI also summarizes articles and can answer your questions about the article itself

The browser is free, and looks like this

💼 Get that bread

Hot jobs for the AI-curious:

Generative AI content manager

Prompt Engineer

Prompt Engineer and digital marketer

Content AI writer

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